ج-قائمة المكملات و الفيتامينات

شركة كيركمان

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. It serves to fill brain receptor sites so that other messages cannot be transmitted.

While GABA is an amino acid, it is classified as a neurotransmitter (a substance deposited at the end of nerve cells that is then picked up by other nerve cells in order to send nerve impulses throughout the brain and nervous system).

GABA is known to induce relaxation and improve restful sleep.

L-Taurine 325 mg – Hypoallergenic

L-Taurine (also known as taurine) is a sulfur-containing amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter, has antioxidant properties and is needed for proper bilary function. L-Taurine is abundant in the tissues of the central nervous system and plays a calming role as a neurotransmitter by counteracting the stimulatory effect of glutamate.

L-Taurine has a very important antioxidant function in white blood cells, leukocytes and lymphocytes. These cells are important in protecting the body from foreign substances and invading organisms.

L-Taurine is needed to form a key component of bile, taurocholic acid. Proper bile formation is very necessary for the absorption of essential lipids from the digestive tract. Bile forms water-oil emulsions of dietary lipids, allowing for the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as essential fatty acids.

Reduced L-Glutathione Lotion

Glutathione is a sulfur tripeptide that contains three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine.

Kirkman’s Reduced L-Glutathione Lotion has a water-free base, which helps to keep the product from oxidizing and, as a result, the lotion has no odor until applied to the skin. Even then, the odor is very minimal compared to other glutathione preparations that typically smell of sulfur.

This product is oily because of its water-free base; therefore, it may take longer to rub into the skin than other lotions.

Coenzyme Q10 25 mg – Hypoallergenic
a formulation specially designed for individuals with special requirements and sensitivities.

CoQ10 is also known as "ubiquinone" or “ubidecarenone,” but most commonly as CoQ10. This substance is an essential component of mitochondria, the energy producing unit of our body cells. Every bodily process -- including all immune responses -- requires CoQ10.

The body manufactures CoQ10, but many people don't produce it very efficiently due to the highly complicated biochemical process involved. The quantity of CoQ10 obtained from dietary sources is often insufficient. Poor diets can lead to a CoQ10 deficiency, as can aging.

Colostrum Gold™ Liquid – Flavored

Colostrum has been called "nature's first food" because female mammals produce colostrum just before they give birth. The yellow fluid is excreted in the milk for approximately three days following birth. After this, colostrum is no longer produced in the mammal.

Colostrum supplies immune and growth factors and a perfect combination of vitamins and minerals to the newborn. Colostrum helps support the immune system and provides growth factors to stimulate growth of muscle, skin, cartilage, nerve and bone tissue.

Kirkman's Colostrum Gold™ has been perfected by quality control methods to yield a pure and potent product. Colostrum is obtained from hormone-, pesticide- and antibiotic-free cows only during the first 24 hours after they give birth. A multiple filtration process makes Colostrum Gold™ casein free at detectable laboratory levels. Every batch is tested for casein by an independent laboratory before it is shipped to Kirkman®.

مكملات أخري
مكمل الموديفلان (خلاصة طحالب و اعشاب البحر)

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